
Felicity intense happiness, something i never experienced. The feeling of felicity is something special. Not everyone gets to experience it. like me Felicity is something that is beautiful. Life is truly beautiful while in felicity.

Humans, the dominant species. We are the ones that go through the most pain and suffering. Not due to physical situations, but with menntal situations. We have the most complex brain, and therefor the most suffering. It's not fair in my opinion for only one species to understand and to go through what we do. But, no one can question it as it is not in our control.

As humans, we are expected to be perfect. To always strive to be the best possible versions of ourselves. But what people dont understand is that it's not as simple or easy as people think to truly be a good person. Being a good person is subjective of course, but not everyone understands that.

As women, we are expected to be pretty and to always be the best possible wife material. It's not simple, it's not easy, it's not what we always want to do. Sometimes women want to be the ones at work, sometimes women actually want to provide. We shouldn't always stareotype women to be these perfect dolls. Instead we should allow them to be what they actually want to be.

Closing off, in order to be the best version, to be the perfect human, to be the best woman, is to give up. You'll never achieve it. No one will. Trying is the key, but you'll never achieve perfection. Perfection is unobjectable. Its not something that can be measured. So, just keep on moving. Keep on doing you.
